Urban Wildlife

How Do Oppossums Survive in The City

Opossums are rodents that inhabit cities all over the world. Opossums are not picky eaters and will consume almost anything; they eat anything from a carcass to table scraps. Opossums have a particular fondness for cat food. Opossum usually eat road kill and from trash cans in neighborhoods and cities. So, as you can see, opossums are just like any…

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Urban Wildlife

Squirrels-Urban Wildlife in Toronto

Squirrels are very loving, funny and smart animals. If you ever had a chance to watch squirrels for a while then you will realize that squirrels like to have fun. They like chasing each other and sometimes by teasing neighborhood dogs or chasing each other. Squirrels are amazing climbers that belong to the rodent family. We asked a squirrel removal…

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Urban Wildlife

Pigeons-Like Them or Not

Pigeons particularly like roofs. The reason is that roofs are great places to find water easily and they don’t have many predators there. Pigeons become sexually mature at about six months of age. Pigeons are monogamous birds, often staying with the same partner from year to year. Most species build a fragile-looking nest often in a tree, but sometimes on…

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Urban Wildlife

City Raccoons-Love Them or Hate Them

Raccoons are capable of making many different kinds of noises including purrs, whimpers, snarls, growls, hisses, screams, and whinnies. In terms of physical appearance their toes are very flexible and that is why raccoons are very good at grabbing things with their front feet. This is the reason they can hold on to things. Raccoons are very good at climbing…

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Urban Wildlife

Raccoons-Toronto Urban Wildlife

Raccoons usually live on their own in other words live solitary lives. Sometimes raccoons live in groups where males and females raise their young. This usually occurs in dens during the winter months. Raccoons eat a lot and are sometimes capable of gaining a lot of fat. In some cases half their body mass is fat. This happens in northern…

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Urban Wildlife

Pigeons-Wild City Birds

Pigeons are a major part of Toronto’s urban and suburban wildlife. Most people don’t  have problems with pigeons. However, in some cases pigeon populations can grow fast and reach large numbers. The major problem with pigeons is that their droppings are acidic so they can corrode things. Another issue with pigeons is that they can carry diseases and fleas that…

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Urban Wildlife

Skunks-Our Smelly Friends

In most part due to the nasty scent they leave behind, skunks are misunderstood but beautiful animals. Some people even keep then as pets. Skunks really enjoy being able to take care of the little ones until they are old enough to be on their own in the wild. These mammals are an important part of our environment and most…

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Urban Wildlife

City Animals-Urban Wildlife

Every city has many different kinds of animals living in it. Depending on the location of the city there are urban creatures living in the gardens, in the parks in our backyards. Where I live, in Toronto we have several kinds of animals living in the city. Most of the animals are mammals, such as the raccoon, the skunk and…

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